
JKForward JKForward

M. Frost’s ‘Europa and the Bull’

In the painting is Zeus, transformed into a white bull, having abducted fair Europa, and he is transporting her across the Aegean Sea to the isle of Crete where he will ‘have his way with her’. In a similar yet very different story, Marguerite crossed the Atlantic Ocean (on a converted troop ship in 1947) to meet my father after two years apart and to decide whether or not to marry him.

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JKForward JKForward

La Victoire Leaves the Louvre

Her great wings heave with muscular strength, shoulder joints rotating backwards to slow her ascent. Gauzy tunic strains against her perfect body…

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JKForward JKForward


One day, wet, cold and collarless, a little black and white terrier followed my father home from a walk at the beach. We children fawned over him in adoration. At the insistence of our mother, signs went up in the neighbourhood and a small ad was placed in the local paper with his description under the words: Found: Lost dog.

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JKForward JKForward

John Henry F. Bacon’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’

Different Kinds of Love by JKForward

I feel a kind of pity for those in the wild burst of infatuation, ‘bazodee’ to use the Creole word or the Tagalog ‘kilig’ for butterflies in the stomach.

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